Harry Whittington books for sale (paperbacks)

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Email: gareth@gdprice.com

DIE, LOVER .World 1972 .SEE COVER-SCANS .price marked, Fair .£4.50

THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (2): The Doomsday Affair .Ace (US) 1965 .SEE COVER-SCANS .VG .£3.75

Spare copies of the above titles are listed below.
Harry Whittington paperback books for sale.
Email: gareth@gdprice.com

THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (2): The Doomsday Affair
. .Four Square rpt.1966 .SEE COVER-SCANS .VG .£3.75

THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (2): The Doomsday Affair
. .Four Square rpt.1966 .VIEW IMAGES .scuffed cover, Good .£3.75