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ANIMAL CHILDREN .Nelson (US) 1967 (Illus.) .VG .£2.00
BURST OF SPRING .Nelson (US) 1969 (Illus.) .VG .£2.00
CAMOUFLAGE IN NATURE .Nelson (US) 1968 (Illus.) .VG .£2.00
DUNE LIFE .Nelson (US) 1967 (Illus.) .VG .£2.00
EYES OF NATURE .Nelson (US) 1968 (Illus.) .VG .£2.00
LIFE IN BAYS .Nelson (US) 1969 (Illus.) .VG .£2.00
LIFE IN FLOWING WATERS .Nelson (US) 1968 (Illus.) .VG .£2.00
LIFE IN SHALLOW WATER .Nelson (US) 1967 (Illus.) .VG .£2.00
MAMMALS OF EUROPE .Nelson (US) 1969 (Illus.) .VG .£2.00
MEADOWS AND THE FOREST MARGIN .Nelson (US) 1969 (Illus.) .VG .£2.00
PACIFIC TIDE POOLS .Nelson (US) 1968 (Illus.) .VG .£2.00
POND LIFE .Nelson (US) 1967 (Illus.) .VG .£2.00
WILD FLOWERS OF THE DESERT .Nelson (US) 1969 (Illus.) .VG .£2.00
WILD FLOWERS OF THE MOUNTAINS .Nelson (US) 1968 (Illus.) .VG .£2.00
WILDLIFE PARKS OF THE WORLD .Nelson (US) 1969 (Illus.) .VG .£2.00