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ART & ARTISTS(in alphabetical order)

ARTS OF CHINA, Style in the by William Watson
. . . Pelcian 1974 (Plates) VG £3.00
BRUEGEL text by Wolfgang Stechow
. . . Fontana 1956 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £5.00
CEZANNE text by Theodore Rousseau Jr
. . . Fontana 1954 (Colour illlus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £4.00
CEZANNE: The life and work of the artist by Mario de Michelli
. . . Dolphin 1989 (80 Colour Plates) VIEW IMAGES VG £3.50
CHAGALL text by Emily Genauer
. . . Fontana 1957 (Colour Illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £3.50
COROT text by Jean Dieterle
. . . Fontana 1959 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £5.00
COURBET text by Andre Chamson
. . . Fontana 1957 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £4.00
. . .Magna N/D VG £4.00
DEGAS text by Daniel Catton Rich
. . . Fontana 1955 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £4.00
. . . Shire rpt.1971 VIEW IMAGES VG £3.00
DUFY text by Alfred Werner
. . . Fontana 1956 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £7.00
. . . Fontana 1966 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £8.75
EL GRECO text by John F.Matthews
. . . Fontana 1954 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £3.50
ETRUSCAN SCULPTURES text by Emeline Richardson
. . . Fontana 1966 (Colou illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £4.00
EXPRESSIONISTS text by Will Grohmann
. . . Fontana 1962 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £8.00
FLEMISH PORTRAITS. From Van Eyck to Van Dyck text by Emile Langui
. . . Fontana 1970 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £8.75
FRENCH IMPRESSIONISTS text by Herman J.Wechsler
. . . Fontana 1955 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £3.50
GAUGUIN text by John Rewald
. . . Fontana 1955 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £3.50
GAUGUIN text by John Russell
. . . Fontana 1968 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £3.50
GOYA text by Frederick S.Wight
. . . Fontana 1956 (Colour illus.) VG £5.00
GOYA text by Enrique Lafuente Ferrari
. . . Fontana 1966 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £4.50
GREEK SCULPTURE from the 16th to the 2nd Century B.C. text by Francois Chamoux
. . . Fontana 1968 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £6.75
. . . Penguin 1979 (Colour photos) VIEW IMAGES VG £4.50
IRISH ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS of the Early Christian Period text by James Johnson Sweeney
. . . Fontana 1965 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £7.75
KLEE text by Will Grohmann
. . . Fontana 1957 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £5.75
LEONARDO text by Giorgio Castelfranco
. . . Fontana 1960 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £15.50
MANET text by S.Lane Faison Jr
. . . Fontana 1955 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £3.50
MATISSE and the Nude text by Alan Bowness
. . . Fontana 1968 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £8.75
MICHELANGELO'S LAST JUDGEMENT text by Margaretta Salinger
. . . Fontana 1961 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £4.00
MIRO text by Jacques Dupin
. . . Fontana 1967 (Colour Illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £6.75
MODIGLIANI text by Corrado Pavolini
. . . Fontana 1966 VIEW IMAGES corner clipped half-titlepage, VG £3.50
MODIGLIANI text by Jacques Lipchitz
. . . Fontana 1956 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £4.00
MONET text by Margaretta Salinger
. . . Fontana 1958 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £4.00
PICASSO text by William S.Lieberman
. . . Fontana 1955 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £5.00
PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA text by Marco Valsecchi
. . . Fontana 1959 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £4.00
RAPHAEL text by Marco Valsecchi
. . . Fontana 1960 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £3.00
RENOIR text by Milton S.Fox
. . . Fontana 1954 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £3.50
RUBENS text by Julius S.Held
. . . Fontana 1955 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £4.00
SUMERIAN ART text by Andre Parrot
. . . Fontana 1970 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £8.75
THE EYE OF PICASSO text by Roland Penrose
. . . Fontana 1967 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES corner clipped half-titlepage, VG £7.75
THE STAVE CHURCH PAINTINGS. Medieval Art from Norway text by Martin Blindheim
. . . Fontana 1965 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £8.75
TITIAN text by Marco Valsecchi
. . . Fontana 1963 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £8.00
TOULOUSE LAUTREC text by Sam Hunter
. . . Fontana 1954 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £3.00
TOULOUSE-LAUTREC text by Andre Chastel
. . . Fontana 1966 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £3.00
TOULOUSE LAUTREC: The life and work of the artist by Maria Cionini Visani
. . . Dolphin (ITA) rpt.1974 (80 Colour Plates) VIEW IMAGES VG £3.50
UFFIZI, The Palace of by Giovanni Niccolai
. . . Ramella (ITA) N/D (200 Illus, 8 Colour Plates) VIEW IMAGES VG in DST/WRPR with two small niches £4.00
UTRILLO text by Alfred Werner
. . . Fontana 1955 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £5.75
VELAZQUEZ text by Margaretta Salinger
. . . Fontana 1956 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £5.00
VLAMINCK text by Robert Rey
. . . Fontana 1957 (Colour illus.) VIEW IMAGES VG £7.00